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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

DIY: 'merican flag

This is one of my more proud DIY projects that I have in my home. I had been wanting to do this ribbon flag for almost a year now. & look! It's finally done. Don't worry it doesn't take a year to finish. I was just real slow at jumping on the bandwagon to start it. Now the hard part is trying to find things to decorate around it. I have so much empty wall space in my house, it's intimidating.

18"x12" blue fabric (mine resembles some sort of tye die)
wooden dowel (mine is about 1/2" in diameter)
assorted yarns & ribbons (This is the fun part! Remember you need whites/reds and enough to cover about 24" across. I used about 15 spools of ribbon and a few clips from balls of yarn I had around the house.)
50 assorted plastic stars
silver metallic spray paint

Pantry items:
needle & thread (color doesn't matter)
hot glue gun
lightweight staple gun

Lay out the stars and spray them with a few coats of the silver spray paint and allow to dry thoroughly.
Cut ribbon and yarn into short and long pieces. Mine were probably about 36" & 18" long. *Don't discard the scraps

*This doesn't have to be exact by any means, it's just how I found it to work best for me.
1. Complete a rough layout of the fabric, ribbon & yarn for the first layer.
2. Once you have them arranged how you like, use your needle & thread to complete quick stitches in each ribbon/yarn under the blue fabric to hold them in place.
3. Fasten the short edge of the blue fabric to the left edge of the wooden dowel with a few staples from your staple gun.
4. Plug in your hot glue gun & glue the longer strips onto the wooden dowel.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you have three or more layers of ribbon secured onto the blue fabric & the wooden dowel.
6. You can use any scraps you have to edge the fabric & cover up the rough ends connected at the bottom of the fabric & top of the dowel.
7. Place all 50 stars on the fabric & use your hot glue gun to secure them into place. (You could also sew them on, but I found that gluing them saves on time, & doesn't decrease the integrity of the sturdiness.)
8. This is optional. I made tassels from string & tied them through the ribbon I glued to the top of the dowel.
9. Voila!! Marvel at your beautiful & completely original flag.

I hung mine above my couch as the statement piece for that wall. Where would you hang yours? What is above your sofa?
xo, amanda

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